The Secret Super Hero Mind

Dr. Amen is one of the top clinical Neuroscientists in the country and a best selling author regarding brain health.


Our Health Acceleration System picks up where Dr. Amen leaves off.


The clinical research which Dr. Amen presents regarding the ability of the brain to rejuvenate and heal is inspiring. His study of 116 players from the National Football League demonstrates that brain-directed health protocols can improve decision-making, reasoning, depression, mood and memory.


The fact that treatment protocols can often reverse symptoms caused by brain damage to peak performance athletes gives the rest of us the hope that we, too, can improve our mental health. In fact, our research at Rejuvenation and Performance Institute has proven that the right treatment protocols can actually improve all levels of physical function.


The ability of the entire body to heal and recover from virtually any injury, disease or illness is consistently being proven and demonstrated. Whether you are healing the brain, or any other part of the body, the process begins at the core of your body: your digestive system, which is considered by many to be your second brain. This is where the proper nutrients are assimilated and redirected to any other organ in need of healing.


Understanding how this system works is the key to healing. Much evidence exists to demonstrate that decisions made inclusive of our “gut instinct”, are more balanced. Therefore it is essential to include your gut in any healing protocol regarding brain health and brain power. What we are discovering is that the entire body must be treated as a synergistic whole.


Brain health and functioning cannot be isolated from whole body health. Your “second brain” is the control counter for determining what nutrients are sent to your vital organs including your brain.


Call us at 928-649-0456 to schedule a brain acceleration strategy session.


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