About us

The Peak Performance Institute exists solely to help you achieve peak performance in every aspect of your life.  Our team is incredible–they are unmatched in their ability to effect positive and lasting change in the people who work with them.

In terms of physical benefits, we have a 97% proven track record for being able to resolve physical health issues with our clients within a short period of time.  We also specialize in getting people out of chronic pain, off medications and back to feeling amazing.

When you visit the Peak Performance Institute, you will work personally with Morgan and the rest of the team and learn not only how to 10x your business, but how 10x your LIFE—and do it in a way that leaves you with more time, more energy and more vitality than ever before.

Peak Performance Institute Team


Morgan Langan, MBA

An entrepreneur since the age of six, Morgan Langan achieved his goal of becoming a millionaire by age thirty, and then went on to create seven other businesses with million dollar net asset values.  Despite his success, he was miserable and in chronic pain as the result of overwork and excessive stress.  Seeing that many of his high-power executive clients were suffering from the same thing, Morgan vowed to find a better way—one where both business and life could be satisfying and successful. He now passionately guides entrepreneurial CEO’s to awaken their fullest potential and achieve peak performance in all areas of life.

Dr. Dan Engle, MD

Dr. Dan Engle is the Medical Director of the Peak Performance Institute’s integrative medical program. He is also the former Medical Director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, the premier live food healing and detoxification center in the country. In addition to his work getting patients off prescription medication, Dr. Dan also has amazing success with his Brain Acceleration System, a comprehensive program that rewires unconscious thinking so people can overcome old patterns and create the kind of lives they want.

Shauna “Puma” Stangl, PRL Practitioner and Detoxification Specialist

For the past 14 years, Puma Stangl has been helping people connect with their “gut instincts” so they can make better, faster decisions and feel physically fantastic. She has worked with many of the nation’s top naturopathic doctors to develop the protocols she uses with clients at the Peak Performance Institute. Puma has helped literally hundreds of clients transform their bodies and their lives.

Kryssi Gala, CHWE

Kryssi Gala is a fitness and healthy lifestyle enthusiast, Rejuvenation Chef and Certified Health and Wellness Educator. She has been working in the field of nutrition professionally and passionately for over 18 years. Kryssi’s expertise has been shaped by extensive study with many master teachers including nutritional biochemists, classical homeopaths, acupuncturists, master nutritionists and fitness professionals, as well as her own experience. Her recipes make healthy eating fun!

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